Meet Emily!
Hey! My name is Emily. I’m the Kids Director here at Mosaic, and I’m here to serve both the children and our volunteers at Mosaic. We have over 65 volunteers showing Jesus in all his splendor and creating a lasting impact in the lives of our kids.
Have questions about our curriculum?
Want to volunteer? Want to grab coffee?
email me: [email protected]
Sunday Mornings
Our Nursery is open for BOTH 9:00AM & 11:00AM Service. Drop-off begins 15 minutes before each service.
As you arrive, enter through the front steps off Washington Ave. and make your way into the sanctuary. To the left of the stage is our children’s wing.
We offer nursery care for children ages three and under. If you plan to use the nursery, please try to do the following:
- To make sure that we get all your belongings (diaper bag, sippy cup, etc.) back to you, label them.
- Pack at least one disposable diaper, as well as a change of clothes and baby wipes.
- Provide a paci-clip to secure a pacifier to your child, if he or she uses one.
- We want to keep all of our children as healthy as possible, so if your child has been sick, wait until he or she has been fever free for at least 24 hours before bringing him or her to the nursery.
- No peanut products are allowed in the children’s wing.
Kids Church for Both 9:00AM & 11:00AM service.
Children must be wearing a checkin sticker to attend Kids Church. Check-in begins before the worship service.
What is Kid’s Church?
After the worship and the Passing of the Peace, children will be invited to line up with their class for a developmental appropriate lesson:
- Pre-k & Kinder
- 1st & 2nd grade
- 3rd & 4th grade
Teachers will return your child back to their seats after the sermon.
At the 11:00AM service, we’ll have 1 room for kids church and clipboards with kid-friendly note taking sheets to engage them during the sermon.

"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven"