The dinner table is one of the most powerful tools to show mercy and justice. When’s the last time we invited someone who didn’t look like us, or come from the same economic bracket into our homes?

We must connect our work into the overall story of redemption. How does our work impact our community? How can we choose, work, or steer our jobs towards benefitting the most vulnerable?

Justice is worship. If it’s not, God wants nothing to do with it (Amos 5:21). We believe Sunday morning worship is a place where we gather to celebrate the God of justice.

God has opened up great avenues to partner with JH HINES and Carver through book clubs and mentoring. Interested in jumping into a Book Club? Sign Up here!

Foster Care
Mosaic has an unusual # of foster parents and children in our care. We’re uniquely equipped to support and encourage one another as we live out God’s call to look after these precious children. Deut. 10:18 / James 1:27
Want to learn more about how to jump in & get connected?
Email Colleen Ducklow @ [email protected]

Partnering with Mission Waco to fight homelessness and helping low-income families. Some ways to jump in now:
- Poverty Simulation – Oct. 20-22.
- Help with Chapel at My Brother’s Keeper (M-F 7-7:45pm)
- Thanksgiving Meal @ the Meyer’s Center
- Christmas Toystore
email [email protected] if you’re interested helping with ANY of these!

Food Insecurity
Packaging and distributing food through Shepherd’s Heart. Saturday mornings.
Shepherd’s Heart’s mission is to: feed, clothe, empower and advocate for families in need throughout our community, demonstrating to them the love of God.
Contact Malcolm if interested. [email protected]

Community Partnering
Adopting Estella Maxey as a site to invest in kids in our community and build relationships with tenants. This includes Kids Clubs, transportation ministry, etc.
Want to help? Email Christina @ [email protected]
act justly, love mercy, walk humbly
Micah 6:8