You may be wondering if Mosaic 101 is for you. Do you want to learn a little more about Mosaic? Are you interested in taking the next step toward membership? Do you want to profess faith and/or be baptized? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then this class is for you!

We realize joining a new church can be a deeply personal and important process for many people, and we respect your right to make an informed decision. We want you to feel comfortable and confident every step of the way when considering membership with our church, so in this email, you’ll find some FAQs regarding Mosaic 101 that we hope will provide clarity about whether this class is a good fit for you at this time.

What is Mosaic 101, and who is it for? 

Mosaic 101 is a one-session class that introduces attendees to the vision and values of Mosaic Waco. During this time, attendees will learn about what our church’s mission, vision, values, beliefs, denominational affiliations, leadership structure, practices, etc. Mosaic 101 is the first step in becoming a member at Mosaic. This semester’s Mosaic 101 class will be held February 5th, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Childcare and dinner will be provided, but please sign up HERE so we know how many people to anticipate.


What is membership?

For us, membership is a vital part of our Christian faith.  Paul refers to us as members of the  Body of Christ.  We are all part of one body.  We have different gifts and unique insights that we each bring, but we are united together because we’re better together.  Membership matters because community matters.  And membership at its core is a commitment to a local body, saying, “I am committed to my brothers and sisters here. You can count on me.”  Membership rejects the rugged individualism of our Western culture and embraces the communal way of life.  
The New Testament has 59 one another’s: “Love one another. Serve one another. Strengthen one another. Encourage one another. Care for one another. Forgive one another. Live in harmony with one another. Grieve with one another. Admonish one another. Spur one another…” and the list goes on!  We can’t do any of this without the other! As individual followers of Jesus Christ, we are being knitted together with others to join God on his mission of reconciliation, a new humanity living under his rule for the sake of the world. Together, we announce that God’s Kingdom has come in Christ, and together, we pursue the vision Jesus wants to see come to fruition in our world. 


What if I can’t participate in Mosaic 101 right now?

That’s OK! You can either join us via zoom or at a later date. Mosaic 101 will be offered regularly, so you can catch a class session the next time it’s offered in the spring.


Can I still attend Mosaic if I don’t take Mosaic 101 this fall?

Of course! Maybe you’ve just started visiting or just need some space before jumping into the membership process. That’s understandable. But we do believe it’s good, right, and true for us to commit to one another. Therefore, at some point, we ask you to consider joining (if not here, somewhere).


Ready to Sign Up? Click HERE
If you still have questions about Mosaic 101 or membership, please let Pastor Slim know.